Abla, Lions & Hailstones

Yesterday, we had to compose with bad weather for the first time in months! We had to postpone some trips unfortunately but still, two groups got lucky.

⛈ In the morning, @vzwalba came out of the water just in time before the drache. This organisation is active in the sector of youth care in Brussels and Flanders. 

🦁 In the late afternoon, members of @Lions Club Brussels Nations showed up just after the hailstorm and even got to see some sun. These guys meet once a month to do something for a good cause. They saw lots of dead animals but it didn’t take away their thirst and they shared a well-deserved drink with us at the end. 

Otherwise, we witnessed yet another sewage overflow as well as municipal workers blowing trash away from the quay and INTO the canal 😱 What a lack of consideration for our waterways… 😢