Pic-nic under the Bridge, Surfrider Foundation & Groep Intro

🌉 On 12 June, we PICNICED under the BRIDGE… mmh not really because it’s difficult to keep your lunch from being soaked but we did play waterpolo. We participated in our own way to Picnic the Bridge, an event organised by @pic nic the streets to ask for more soft mobility and better air quality at Port de Flandre.

On the same day, we also welcomed @Surfrider Foundation Europe during their Ocean Week, an initiative to amplify the voice of youth asking EU decision makers to act for the ocean.

Two days later, a small team from @Groep INTRO vzw, an organisation striving to build an inclusive society in which each person can express their talents, splashed around under a blazing sun. They didn’t have to go very far to find trash. A succesful morning, if we can call it so 🤔