Our teen heroes

3 teenagers who were guided by the school. Yes, the Isb Brussels obliges these pupils to do 15 good deeds per school year! BRAVO ! Very quickly these youngsters learned…

Lees verderOur teen heroes

Lara, William, Anke & Rocio, Kristin & Marleen, Judith & Friend, Sophie & Son & Friend, Véro & Friends, Manloi & Friend, Laure & Jakoba, Matthias & Carla, Josefien & Meredith, Stephanie & Katarina

19 en 23 september ontvingen we maar liefst 25 New Kids. Lara, William, Anke en Rocio gaven het startschot, en hoe! Na 15 min waren Lara en William al terug…

Lees verderLara, William, Anke & Rocio, Kristin & Marleen, Judith & Friend, Sophie & Son & Friend, Véro & Friends, Manloi & Friend, Laure & Jakoba, Matthias & Carla, Josefien & Meredith, Stephanie & Katarina