European Commissioner Sinkevicius cleans up trash from canal on World Cleanup Day Amidst significant press interest, European Commissioner for Environment, Oceans, and Fisheries Virginjus Sinkevicius joined us on World Cleanup …

Colruyt biggest polluter of the Brussels Canal During 2.5 months, we investigated who the top polluters of the Brussels canal are. Out of the 2,000 pieces of waste we fished …

Canal It Up in debate on Vlaams Parlement TV about the introduction of the deposit system Vlaams Parlement TV invited us for a debate on litter and the introduction of …

Our Let’s Mingle summer action in the spotlight This Summer 2022, we have launched a new action – Let’s Mingle. The aim is to help the participants to meet new …

A second underground ride on the Senne! Previous Next SECOND time on the UNDERGROUND river Senne! This time with the German television team of ZDF. Our river is getting international …

News of the islands – a few months later At the beginning of August, Bruzz came along to see what had become of the islands which were placed in the …

A nice change of Sennery! Monday the 30th of May 2022 will forever go down as an exceptional day in Canal It Up’s history. After an early start, our small …

Hundreds of dead fish in the canal At the end of May, hundreds of dead fish were suddenly floating in the canal. Bruzz got into our kayaks to see the …

Our Hold your Pee & Poo campaign in the media Our Hold your Pee & Poo campaign didn’t go unnoticed and the media helped us spread the message with articles …

Lettre et Vidéo ouverte au Ministre bruxellois de l’Environnement et du Climat Alain Maron et au Ministre-président de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale Rudi Vervoort There is no English translation available …

RTBF – Alors on change in our kayaks! Click here to watch the video : Alors on change ! : “Canal It Up” sur Auvio (

Just a cool video report by RTBF Vews RTBF Vews made a nice short video report about Canal It Up and published a portrait of Pieter, the founder of the …

BX1 joins us in August

BX1 doet mee in augustus

The Bulletin & the Deposithon Fighting for Brussels Canal: Group launches petition for bottle deposit scheme | The Bulletin

What does the canal look like under water? For its program “Jouw Vraag” BRUZZ lent one of our kayaks to enquire about the cleanliness of Brussels canal.  Link to article …

BRUZZ spreekt over de Deposithon Canal it Up organiseert ‘opruim-marathon’ om statiegeld in te voeren | BRUZZ

RTL kondigt Deposithon aan Bruxelles: des bénévoles nettoient le canal en kayak (

Reizen Waes crew in our kayaks for episode about Brussels! For their episode about Brussels, Reizen Waes reached out to Canal It Up with the question whether they could join …

Press article about our Open letter to the minister of Environnement The water quality of the Senne and the canal still isn’t good. The reason for this is the dumping …

Video report: Canal It Up publishes every month the number of sewage overflows Every year 10 million m3 of polluted water is dumped in the Senne and the Canal. We …

Jommeke and Bruzz at World Cleanup Day 2020 Yesterday was a wonderful day of collective effort on and around the canal of Brussels. 225 participants spent their time cleaning up …

Canal It Up at Bx1 studio

Canal It Up at Bx1 studio Hier nous étions invités dans les studios de BX1 pour un tour de table avec Team Volta et Clean Walker Belgique ASBL. Il ne …

Article in the newspaper Het Nieuwsblad

Spotted by Flair!

Spotted by Flair!

We’re in Paris Match!

We’re in Paris Match!

Bx1 presents Canal It Up and its goals Bx1 came to film us and made a great report that very well shows what our activities are and what goals we …

We Love Brussels talks about us Canal it up – See Brussels from the kayak

Canal It Up in Het Laatste Nieuws

Staycation report by Bruzz

In the spotlight of the VRT

Karrewiet paid us a visite

Karrewiet paid us a visite New kid on the block, Rosie aka The Real Kid, she is a primary school journalist for Karrewiet, the Dutch News broadcast for children. While …

Bruzz Shoot

Bruzz Shoot Bruzz Reportage 25 augustus 2019: