This Summer, we want to help you meet a new person. Up to you to decide whether you want to make it a romantic or a friendly meeting. Why? Because GREAT IDEAS sprout out of NEW ENCOUNTERS! We’ve noticed that connecting with new people can help us unleash our creativity, give us the energy to start a project, broaden our world view and, more importantly, have so much fun!

And can you think of something better to do to break the ice than kayaking? Well maybe… but see it this way: you’ll both be out of your comfort zone, you won’t have to feel self-conscious about your clothes because you’ll be wearing a flashy life jacket anyway, you’ll have to collaborate to move forward and the things you’ll find in the water will fuel your conversation. So just sit back, relax and enjoy the view!

Fill in the form below and we’ll try to find you a perfect match!

Practical information
Address: Quai des Péniches 10 – 1000 Brussels
Duration: the activity lasts one hour and a half, the kayaking itself one hour.

PS: You just want to come with friends or family? That’s fine too!
Send us an email to



This Summer, we want to help you meet a new person. Up to you to decide whether you want to make it a romantic or a friendly meeting. Why? Because GREAT IDEAS sprout out of NEW ENCOUNTERS! We’ve noticed that connecting with new people can help us unleash our creativity, give us the energy to start a project, broaden our world view and, more importantly, have so much fun!

And can you think of something better to do to break the ice than kayaking? Well maybe… but see it this way: you’ll both be out of your comfort zone, you won’t have to feel self-conscious about your clothes because you’ll be wearing a flashy life jacket anyway, you’ll have to collaborate to move forward and the things you’ll find in the water will fuel your conversation. So just sit back, relax and enjoy the view!

Fill in the form below and we’ll try to find you a perfect match!

Practical information
Address: Quai des Péniches 10 – 1000 Brussels
Duration: the activity lasts one hour and a half, the kayaking itself one hour.

PS: You just want to come with friends or family? That’s fine too!
Send us an email to