World Environment Day with the UN Environment Programme and the European Commission

Monday, 5 June was World Environment Day and for that occasion 20 participants from UN Environment Programme and the European Commission spent the afternoon with the Canal It Up crew. They kayaked and fished trash out of the water, picked up trash on the quay, and visited our friend Henry Le Cormorant.
In the evening, there was a conference in the Brussels City Hall where several speakers focused on plastic pollution and briefed the audience on the Global Agreement on Plastic Pollution. L’Ouvroir , a Brussels based project, presented how they are working towards a circular economy.
There was a reception with an exposition where our recycled plastic was showcased, along with plastic that had been fished out of the canal’s water that very afternoon! At sundown, the tower of City Hall was lit up in green to close the day’s events and help us reflect on the importance of taking care of our environment.