Brauzz, Terumo, International school of Brussels, Minglers, Daviña et co.

Who could have known that when Brauzz, a start-up of sustainable cleaning products, and Terumo Europe Nv, a healthcare company, planned a kayak activity for October the sun would be out, and the temperature would be around the 20°C. It is pleasant but mostly it is worrying. Nevertheless, both groups enjoyed themselves on the canal and brought back a lot of trash.

The temperatures kept increasing as the days passed by, On Saturday the 29th of October, it was officially a summer day again, as the temperature went past the 25°C. It has never been so hot this late in the year. The international School of Brussels, the Minglers and their friends were kayaking in t-shirt. Always exciting to see if the Mingler matches work out, but it seems that it is a success! It is a pleasure to see the group photos where everyone is holding each other as if they have known each other for years. We are still hoping for some ‘what happened next’ photos!