Parlement bruxellois sur l’eau

This week, deputees of Brussels parlement Aurelie Czekalski and David Weytsman brought a little bit of parlement to the canal. Apart from fishing the trash out of the water and experiencing the state of the canal themselves we discussed about Miss Czekalskis Proposal of Resolution that she submitted to parlement.
The proposal implies:
– To study all possible solutions, including the installation of a mobile trash barrier, to stop the flow of trash
– To intensify the cleaning of the watersurface through the port of Brussels or a public-private partnership
– To install a recycling trajectory to recycle the trash fish out of the water
– To campaign about the challenges of the canal according to cleanliness and biodiversity
– To intensify prevention and repression of polluting behavior
– To enhance cooperation between government and organisations that strive for above mentioned goals
The canal is climbing step by step the appreciation ladder in Brussels. Hopefully the resolution will pass in parlement to valorise this Urban water landscape with so many possibilities.