Sunday Adventure with Hélène & co, Indiandribble

Sunday ADVENTURE, Hélène brought her friends Matthew, Majda, Sylvain, Manon and Alessandro to clean the canal. As it turns out, Hélène seems to love cleaning in general and she is always looking for new tricks to keep her environment sparkling. We are happy that she shared her passion with us on Brussels canal. Matthew actually came all the way from the US (ok right, he came to live here with his girlfriend but still, it’s so nice he helps keep our city clean). And Majda helps conscious travelers explore the planet in a sustainable way.
The next day, we got a visit from indiandribble . Wouldn’t you love to take a quick refreshing swim in the canal during working hours? If only it were possible. Unfortunately it’s not but thanks to them, we’ve just taken a small step further on the way towards a clean canal!